Choker central.

If you’re like me, you online shop like it’s your job. Like I stated in my Manifesto, there is nothing… I repeat… NOTHING better than getting something in the mail. A package, an invite, a post card from the dentist to remind me that I have an appointment Thursday, I don’t care what it is. I get genuinely excited when I see the mailman roll up to my mailbox.

Okay, so I guess I really don’t get excited when the dentist sends me mail. But you get the point. Lately, I’ve been spending more and more money ordering things online that I most definitely do not need. But the excitement is SO real.

Under this page, “Reviews”, I’ll be posting my online orders of clothing, accessories, (etc) with pictures and my overall thoughts. Now, I say this with care for my wallet, let’s hope that this page is very sparce so that I am not ordering a million trillion things like I have been for the past 6 months (post graduation retail therapy?).

dsc_1209Lately, I’ve soooo been into chokers.  They’re the perfect accessories to dress up or dress down any outfit. I was searching for a thick lace choker on Etsy for Halloween, and found a handful that fit with my wants and… dare I say needs.

By the way, I’m HUGE on reviews and ratings, so before I even think about purchasing anything, I narrow down my cart by other customer’s ratings. Once I find the perfect combination of item and ratings, I add that sucker right into my cart. NO REGRETS.

So back to the choker. I found a page called BitsnPiecess that had SO many accessories that I absolutely loved! While trying to save money, I held back and only ordered one. Surprised? Same. My choker arrived a few days later, in a realllly cute box with a personalized message from the shop owner! 🙂

Not only was the customer service awesome, the item was absolutely perfect! It is handmade, delicate, yet gets the message across. She even does custom orders!! I HIGHLY suggest using her page for any accessory wants/needs (those go hand and hand tho, let’s be real).


Above is the only photo I have wearing this masterpiece.  Also, #vamplife. Trick or treat much?!?! Go check out her Insta @shopbitsnpieces, and Etsy shop BitsnPiecess. I mean it, go!!!! Thank me later!

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